Tuesday, December 9, 2008

thanksgiving weekend

First off i just want to say how thankful i am for my family. I have a very supportive and patient husband how I love. He's also such a good dad. I have the cutest little girl who is so funny and is getting too old too fast! I have such great and supportive parents who do so much for me. My sisters Danielle who has become my number 1 babysitter. Kaitlin who is blessing us by serving a mission which she loves. Stephanie has become a better friend then i could have imagined. I love My brother and his wife Crystal and both girls Maddie and sweet baby livi. Christian is almost always fun and i'm gonna miss him so much when he leave to go on his mission in less than a month. Thanks for everything you guys do for my i couldn't have picked a better family.
thanksgiving night half my family (+ christians good friend Wei) drove down to st.George for the weekend. We mostly just chilled and relaxed it was so nice. On Saturday we went to FIESTA FUN and did mini golf and bumper boats.


Jon and Tasha Fam said...

cute family pictures!! could Hala break a smile????? lOL I like the pictures they tured out good:)

jill langston kaufusi said...

I love that family picture! It was good to see you guys in the mall the other day. I feel like I never see you and your family anymore..

Ashlee said...

Cute family pictures. Who took it?

Mark and Lachelle said...

That family picture is awesome! What a good looking bunch of people!

Karrissa Winward said...

You have such a great family!

Inouyes said...

cute family pic:)

Lachelle said...

BEAUTIFUL FAMILY!! Haha Hala kills the family pic! And he aint slick pullin the birdie in the golfing picture!! HAHA!